Tuesday 12 January 2016

New Challenge....Healthy Me

Happy New Year!

I don't do resolutions because I believe you should make changes in your life when you feel the urge to do them and not once a year.  I also believe that you should set challenging goals that cause you to DO something and not give something up.

Right now I'm sitting here writing this blog and drinking a weird tasting concoction because I decided to do a cleanse after the holidays.  Its a way to kick start me into my next challenge.....lose 10 lbs and minimum 1 inch within 8 weeks by eating well and exercising.

I'm on day 3 of 7 days for this one and so far it is doing what I need it to do.  I'm feeling fantastic as the toxins leave my body.  Although the urge to purge doesn't always come at the best times...lol.

I cleaned out my cupboards and replaced all the junk with healthy alternatives.  I purchased a new cook book with gluten free alternatives and have tested a few of the recipes out.  I will be sharing them on this blog and my website.  www.coremagnificence.com

I plan on sharing my work outs as well as these will all be done at home.  I've already inspired a co worker to also take up the challenge so we will keep each other motivated.

Promise to write more as I go through this next challenge.  Healthier me...here I come!!

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