Saturday 1 August 2015

Life is not about avoiding puddles, it's about learning to jog in the rain!!

Week 3 - Day 1

This week was not great for training as the heat and humidity was stifling.  I was very excited when the heat broke and I was finally able to go out for a training jog.  As I started out on my jog, I noticed the clouds rolling in.  I was optimistic that I would finish before the weather hit.

Well….mother nature had a different idea.  She decided that it was time to release the rain when I was just over half way through the jog.  

I had two options:
1. Stop and take cover to wait it out.
2.  Embrace the weather change and keep on going.

It really wasn’t a difficult decision, I kept on going.  As the rain fell, it felt magnificent on my skin.  It was cool and soothing.  I tilted my head back, held out my arms and let it all wash over me.  I couldn’t help but smile at the feeling of freedom that overcame me.  I started to laugh and picked up the pace.

As I was jogging, I passed a person hiding under a tree.  I smiled at him and he shook his head and laughed at me.  I just kept right on going.  I passed some children dancing in the rain and smiled at them too.  They just waved and giggled as I jogged by. 

No matter what comes your way in life, you always have the choice to look at the negative or the positive.  Choose positive and watch how your life turns around. 

Life isn’t about avoiding the puddles, it’s about learning to jog in the rain!

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