Monday 24 August 2015

Week 4, Day 2 - Cooler Mornings!

So as promised, I was up at 7:30 am and out for a run.  The weather was warm but sun wasn't as hot as 10 am the day before.

I started out on the training knowing what I was in for but determined to make it through without collapsing.  Little did I know, I was going to meet the animals in the neighborhood and have a Namaste moment with a stranger.

As I came around the corner on one of my turns, I saw three little bunnies sitting in the grass.  They saw me and froze.  All I thought was...please don't dart out in the road.  I went on the other side of the boulevard so I wouldn't spook them.  It worked...they just stared at me frozen in time.  It was kind of funny and cheered me up as I kept on going.

As I jogged up the hill, I had a conversation with a dog in his yard.  He was making sure I knew he was there and was protecting his property.  I let him know I was staying on my side of the fence and wished him a wonderful day.

By the time I got to the top of the hill, I was in a pretty good mood but the heat was starting to climb. When she told me I was half way done, I was pleasantly surprised.  I did not expect that at all.  YAY ME!

As I was running my last 5 minutes and dreading the heat but not feeling as horrid as the day before, I saw an older Indian gentleman walking towards me.  As we passed each other and did the head bob, I had a weird feeling of Namaste.  For those who don't know what that means "The light in me, acknowledges the light in you".   It's a greeting or blessing used in the Eastern world.  Although we didn't actually say the words, the feeling was there.  It was quite a remarkable experience and stayed with me for the rest of the day.

This training has brought me more experiences than I ever imagined....

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