Saturday 1 August 2015

Week 2 DONE!!

***I'm behind in my posting.  I'm actually on week 3 but didn't post after week 2.***

Week 2, Day 1 - Does it get any easier????  

My thoughts kept wandering to that question as my feet continued to hit the pavement in my neighbourhood during day 1 of week 2 of training.  I continued to push myself to follow the instructions from the app but  I just wanted her to shut up and let me do my own thing.  Instead of thinking these negative thoughts, I started counting with her...this is run 4 of 6....this is run 5 of 6.  Whoo Hoo...I'm on run 6 of 6.  I did it!!  That wasn't so bad...

Week 2, Day 2 - Part of the club now.

While jogging today I passed some people that I have seen on other training jogs.  Today they actually smiled and waved at me.  I'm part of that secret jogging club now.  It's amazing how many people walk their dogs and go for jogs in my neighbourhood.  I would have never known if I didn't start jogging on a regular basis.  Found a benefit that I wasn't expecting.

Week 2, Day 3 - Half way already?

Today I decided to run on a humid, hot day.  As I walked out the front door, my stomach clenched and I almost turned around and walked back in.  I refused to quit and decided to make the most of it.  As I started my training, I could feel the heat and the sweat forming on my body.  I realized this was going to be a challenge but I knew I could over come it.  I just focused on the end goal and kept on going.  All of a sudden, the app came on and said "You are half way".  I was shocked...half way already?  WOW!!  YAY!!  I didn't even realize it because I was in a zone with the purpose to finish.  I can do this!!  I WILL DO THIS!!


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