Monday 24 August 2015

Goal Achieved - Motivated My Niece!

After the mishap with Day 2 of the training, I checked to see what was expected of Day 3.  The app is INSANE!!  They expect me to run for 20 minutes with no walking breaks.  First thing that went through my head was NO FREAKING WAY!!  I barely made it through 2x8 min runs with a 5 minute walk and now they expect me to run for 20 minutes with no's only week 5!

Sunday morning, the alarm went off at 7:30 am and I could not motivate myself to get out of bed to do the 20 minute run.  I knew I had to meet my friend for breakfast before going to the soccer tournament and decided that sleep was preferable to sweat.  In the end, it turned out that the decision was a great one but I felt a little guilty at the time.

Sunday evening is always dinner with the family at my parents.  As we were sitting and eating, my sister in law asked me how the training was going.  I talked about my adventures and the fact that the training was going really well.  My oldest niece asked me about the app because she was feeling bad about not working out all summer.  She said she felt that she was out of shape and was worried because she signed up for gym class and they had to do a 5k run.  We started talking about training and then I showed her the app.  She downloaded the app and then we started talking about how it worked.

A little while later she came to talk to me about it some more.  I mentioned that she could come out with me for my training run on Monday night if she wanted to see how the app worked.  She agreed to join me and I let her know that it was a 20 min run.  She got a little nervous but said that she wanted to do it.  YAY!!

So tonight, I went to her place so we could map out the route for the training.  I was so glad she was there to motivate me.  We started out at a slower but steady pace and stayed with each other through the whole thing.  At the half way point, we smiled.  I realized I was feeling really good. My lungs weren't sore and my legs felt like they were moving on their own.  When we were done, we did a high 5!  She was so proud of herself for finishing it and so was I!!  She also insisted on doing a selfie and posting it on Facebook.  LOL

While we were walking back she told me she wanted to do the training with her friend who suffers from depression.  She thought it would be a great way to help her feel better about herself and keep each other motivated.  As she was telling me this...I felt my heart swell.  This is the reason I created Core Magnificence...and the reason I was doing this inspire and motivate others.

She has no idea what she did for me tonight.  I am so grateful!

Music Mishap and sports bra malfunction - Nothing gonna stop me!!

Week 5, Day 1 was quite the challenge!  The training was:

Warm up
5 min jog
3 min walk
5 min jog
3 min walk
5 min jog
Cool down

I chose to do this run on a cool night after coaching soccer as I was full of energy.  I figured that with the breaks, it would be easier to do the 5 minutes.  I completed the training and fist pumped in the air. I was so proud of myself!

Two days later on Friday night, I set out to complete day 2 of the program.  The previous 4 weeks were repetitive of day 1 so I didn't review the plan before starting out....BIG MISTAKE!

The app announced that I should start jogging.  I didn't listen to what she said but just started jogging...and jogging..and jogging.  I began to wonder if the app had frozen because I knew I had run further than the previous training day and it definitely felt like I had been jogging for 5 minutes.  I didn't know what to do.  I didn't want to stop to check my phone because I needed to keep going but if it was frozen, I was never going to be told to stop.  Just when I was about to give up, she came on and told me to start walking.  WHEW!

As I started to walk and pump my arms, my sports bra decided to pop open. did up in the front and the clasp popped open.  Luckily I had a tank top on underneath and I'm not well endowed so it wasn't a complete disaster.  I still had to awkwardly put the clasp back together while some teenage boys stared at me.  Embarrassment over, I continued to walk. Again, I felt like it was taking forever for her to tell me to start jogging again.

Finally, she came on and this time I actually listened...She said jog for 8 minutes, this is run 2 of 2.  I actually swore out loud at the app and then started to laugh.  I had run for 8 minutes without even realizing what I had done.  Goes to show you that your mind really does control your actions.

As I was running my last 8 minutes, the music decided to go funky.  It sounded like there was an alien in my ear buds and then total silence.  My thought was "OMG, you have to be kidding me!!!" Not only am I expected to run for 8 minutes but the only thing I have to listen to is the sound of my own breathing.  I made the decision to suck it up and settled into the rhythm of my breathing.  It was actually comforting to hear my steady breathing as my feet kept time with the pavement.  I almost felt like I was meditating.

When she told me I was finished, I once again fist pumped the air!!  Look at me go!  I'm a superstar who will not let anything stop me from reaching my goal.  I can do this!!

Week 4, Day 2 - Cooler Mornings!

So as promised, I was up at 7:30 am and out for a run.  The weather was warm but sun wasn't as hot as 10 am the day before.

I started out on the training knowing what I was in for but determined to make it through without collapsing.  Little did I know, I was going to meet the animals in the neighborhood and have a Namaste moment with a stranger.

As I came around the corner on one of my turns, I saw three little bunnies sitting in the grass.  They saw me and froze.  All I thought was...please don't dart out in the road.  I went on the other side of the boulevard so I wouldn't spook them.  It worked...they just stared at me frozen in time.  It was kind of funny and cheered me up as I kept on going.

As I jogged up the hill, I had a conversation with a dog in his yard.  He was making sure I knew he was there and was protecting his property.  I let him know I was staying on my side of the fence and wished him a wonderful day.

By the time I got to the top of the hill, I was in a pretty good mood but the heat was starting to climb. When she told me I was half way done, I was pleasantly surprised.  I did not expect that at all.  YAY ME!

As I was running my last 5 minutes and dreading the heat but not feeling as horrid as the day before, I saw an older Indian gentleman walking towards me.  As we passed each other and did the head bob, I had a weird feeling of Namaste.  For those who don't know what that means "The light in me, acknowledges the light in you".   It's a greeting or blessing used in the Eastern world.  Although we didn't actually say the words, the feeling was there.  It was quite a remarkable experience and stayed with me for the rest of the day.

This training has brought me more experiences than I ever imagined....

Week 4 - HOT, HOT, HOT!!

After completing Week 3 of training I was feeling pretty good about myself.  I had made it through the 3 minutes of hell without my lungs bursting out of my chest.

Ready to start week 4 and see what was in store.  I had fallen behind schedule so I decided to do two days in a row....unfortunately, I didn't plan on the weather being soo humid in the morning.

Saturday morning I rolled out of bed and got myself moving around 10 am.  OMG!!  The heat hit me like a solid wall but I had decided to complete the run so I headed out.  As I was running my first 3 minutes, I thought maybe I had made a mistake in running in the heat.  I convinced myself that I needed to train in all weather because I wasn't sure what the weather would be like on the actual day of the run.  I made it through the first 3 minutes and though YAY!  Then she told me to run for 5 minutes...OH BOY.  I stopped the negative thought and convinced myself this wasn't an issue.  I had completed 3 minutes, 2 more minutes shouldn't be too bad.  WRONG!! When she came on and told me to walk...I was in heaven...short lived though because the walk was not a long one.

By the time I got to the second 5 minute run, my lungs were burning and my legs felt like lead.  I had to dig really deep in order to push through it.  When she said 1 minute to go, I took a deep breath and started to count to 60 seconds on my own.  For the record, don't try to count to 60 seconds when you are exhausted and ready to collapse.  I counted faster than the timer and so when I finished and she didn't come on to tell me to cool down, I found myself feeling sooo frustrated.  I refused to stop because I was SOOO close but at the same time, I was tired and sore I just wanted to drop.

When she finally said I could start the cool down, I actually started to cry out of sheer gratitude that it was over.  The older couple that were walking along saw me and looked concerned so I explained that I was training for a run at the zoo and just finished a very challenging training run.  They smiled and congratulated me.

I walked into my air conditioned house and literally collapsed on the carpet in the living room.  Tomorrow I need to do this again...getting up at the crack of dawn.

Saturday 1 August 2015

Life is not about avoiding puddles, it's about learning to jog in the rain!!

Week 3 - Day 1

This week was not great for training as the heat and humidity was stifling.  I was very excited when the heat broke and I was finally able to go out for a training jog.  As I started out on my jog, I noticed the clouds rolling in.  I was optimistic that I would finish before the weather hit.

Well….mother nature had a different idea.  She decided that it was time to release the rain when I was just over half way through the jog.  

I had two options:
1. Stop and take cover to wait it out.
2.  Embrace the weather change and keep on going.

It really wasn’t a difficult decision, I kept on going.  As the rain fell, it felt magnificent on my skin.  It was cool and soothing.  I tilted my head back, held out my arms and let it all wash over me.  I couldn’t help but smile at the feeling of freedom that overcame me.  I started to laugh and picked up the pace.

As I was jogging, I passed a person hiding under a tree.  I smiled at him and he shook his head and laughed at me.  I just kept right on going.  I passed some children dancing in the rain and smiled at them too.  They just waved and giggled as I jogged by. 

No matter what comes your way in life, you always have the choice to look at the negative or the positive.  Choose positive and watch how your life turns around. 

Life isn’t about avoiding the puddles, it’s about learning to jog in the rain!

Week 2 DONE!!

***I'm behind in my posting.  I'm actually on week 3 but didn't post after week 2.***

Week 2, Day 1 - Does it get any easier????  

My thoughts kept wandering to that question as my feet continued to hit the pavement in my neighbourhood during day 1 of week 2 of training.  I continued to push myself to follow the instructions from the app but  I just wanted her to shut up and let me do my own thing.  Instead of thinking these negative thoughts, I started counting with her...this is run 4 of 6....this is run 5 of 6.  Whoo Hoo...I'm on run 6 of 6.  I did it!!  That wasn't so bad...

Week 2, Day 2 - Part of the club now.

While jogging today I passed some people that I have seen on other training jogs.  Today they actually smiled and waved at me.  I'm part of that secret jogging club now.  It's amazing how many people walk their dogs and go for jogs in my neighbourhood.  I would have never known if I didn't start jogging on a regular basis.  Found a benefit that I wasn't expecting.

Week 2, Day 3 - Half way already?

Today I decided to run on a humid, hot day.  As I walked out the front door, my stomach clenched and I almost turned around and walked back in.  I refused to quit and decided to make the most of it.  As I started my training, I could feel the heat and the sweat forming on my body.  I realized this was going to be a challenge but I knew I could over come it.  I just focused on the end goal and kept on going.  All of a sudden, the app came on and said "You are half way".  I was shocked...half way already?  WOW!!  YAY!!  I didn't even realize it because I was in a zone with the purpose to finish.  I can do this!!  I WILL DO THIS!!


Monday 20 July 2015

Week 1 Training

WOW!!  I completed week one of the training tonight.  Each week consists of 3 days of training that incorporates walking and jogging in intervals over a 30 minute period.  YAY ME!

I have always kept myself active.  I compete in curling in the winter and play beach volleyball in the summer.  This year I'm even coaching soccer for under 11 girls.  This is a challenge for me because I don't normally do long distance running.  I'm more about interval training....this will be interesting.

Week 1, Day 1

I can't believe I'm actually doing this...what was I thinking?  Running 5 Km when I really don't enjoy running at all.  These were my thoughts on day 1 of training.  I dragged my butt out of bed and put on the app.  I started with a 5 minute walk to warm up.  While walking I realized it was a very pleasant morning outside.  The sun was shining and it wasn't too hot or too cold.  Just as I was starting to settle in on the wonderful walk...."start running for 1 minute" blared through the headphones.  I started to jog and realized that it wasn't so bad.  This pattern of walking and jogging continued for the remainder of the 30 minutes while I smiled at my neighbours walking their dogs and jogging themselves.  Before I knew it, the 30 minutes was over and I was actually feeling really GOOD!  

Maybe I can do this afterall....

Week 1, Day 2

After a full day of work, I was not motivated to go out for training.  All I wanted to do was curl up on the couch with a book and veg out.  However, I have challenged myself to completed a 5 Km run so I must not fall into my old patterns.  As I pulled out the app, I thought to myself...How fitting that the app is called couch 25K.  With that giggle, I set out for the second day of my training.  As I went through the 30 minute training session, I found myself counting down the number of times I had to jog.  In fact after the last jogging session, I decided to skip the walking and continue jogging until the notice to cool down!  I felt pumped when I got home.  Took at shower and headed out to spend time with a friend.  I was in such a magnificent mood!!!  

Week 1, Day 3

Due to my hectic schedule, I didn't get to training day 3 for a few days.  I came home from work and decided that I was going to do this.  The weather was really hot but the sun was setting so it was a little cooler.  I messaged Carrie to let her know I was going for my run as we are holding each other accountable.  I opened the door, stepped outside and thought...."OH MY GOD IT'S HOT!!"  I sucked it up and started the warm up.  As I was walking, I passed some joggers and people walking their dogs.  Funny how I don't remember seeing these people when I did my run on Day 2.  I've come to the realization that my neighbourhood is full of active people and I had no idea!  As I was nodding and smiling at others out and about, I forgot about the heat and let myself enjoy the feeling of being out and letting go.  I actually found myself getting frustrated when the app told me to walk because I just wanted to keep going.   In the end I kept jogging after the last session of jogging like I did in Day 2.  When I walked into my house, I was dripping with sweat and could feel my legs starting to cramp up.  I drank water, stretched out and took a shower. 

After my shower, I had a glass of chocolate milk and a banana.  A personal trainer friend of mine told me that was one of the best things to eat/drink after a work out as the potassium is required for the muscles.

WHOOO HOOOO!!!  I have completed week 1 of the training and I feel motivated by my accomplishment.  Week 2....BRING IT BABY!!

I LOVE a Challenge!!

I live for challenges!  I am always looking to be and do more with my life.  I want to inspire, motivate and coach others to improve their lives and push through their limiting beliefs.  I've created a website dedicated to mind, body and spirit integration in order to share stories and motivate others.

I wanted to improve my financial situation so in January 2015 I decided to purchase an income property.  Instead of looking at a basement apartment or a small condo...I chose to purchase a 3 bedroom townhouse.  I made the decision and then took action to make it happen.  It took a few months to find the "perfect" place but I persevered.  I closed on the townhouse at the end of May, renovated it and rented it out within 6 weeks.

After completing this challenge, I needed something else to motivate me.  I was walking with my friend Carrie and she suggested that I join her in a 5KM run at the Toronto Zoo.  I don't fact in the past I made fun of those people who run/jog.  Then I remembered what my goal in life is to do...INSPIRE others to improve their lives and push through their limiting beliefs.   What better way to do that than to complete training and a 5KM run?

Carrie showed me an app for the phone called couch25K that she had used in the past to train for a run.  The app looked pretty harmless so I decided to join her on this quest to complete 5 KM run in September.  We have 8 weeks to get trained up for the 5K run.

In this blog I will share my feelings as I go through this training.  The good, the bad and the ugly...I'm sure there will be plenty of all 3 on this journey.  
